The story begins
Gather round, hear the fable
Hero of Oakvale
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Super Haiku
Death and Life
Death brings the long night
Eternal Separation
Death is forever
Death brings the long night
Blacken and whither away
Fall. Fall down, down, down
Death brings the long night
Bend, twist, break as kindling
Loaded for the pyre
Death brings the long night
Disrepair, dusty, moldy
Abandoned decay
Death brings the long night
Deep cold dark, devoid of light
Engulfing silence
Death brings the long night
Wailing, screeching, gnashing teeth
Weep without relief
Death brings the long night
No hope. Nope, none. Forever
Only just despair
Death brings the long night
Death eats life. Life consumes death
Life regenerates
Hope is in the Lord
Hope for a future in him
Life regenerates
Relief from all pain
Tears wiped away, comfort found
Life regenerates
Warmed in his glory
Bathed in his radiant light
Life regenerates
Flourish for all time
Highly esteemed. Mended
Life regenerates
Gracefully fruitful
Wanted. Desired devotion
Life regenerates
Lifted up on high
Seated at the kings table
Life regenerates
Life is forever
Eternal togetherness
Life Regenerates