Hello president dictator

Today is a melancholy day.  I know I’m not the only one to feel this way.  Loss of hope can be crushing.  And it has been a loss of hope.  I had hope that things may be okay.  Now I know they won’t be.  My world, as well as the world as a whole is about to get tougher, scarier.  This causes me sadness.  I will continue to stand for truth and justice.  I realize this may soon be illegal; it already is in some cases, but it is the right thing to do.


Choose to be right, or you end up being wrong

I am sick of Trump. The man’s name irritates me. The man himself is irritating, but irritating in the same way that a spoiled two-year who is throwing a temper tantrum. At least the two-year old has an excuse for throwing a tantrum; he’s two, and with some instruction still has a good shot at growing up to be a decent human being. Trump will turn 70 this year; not absolutely too late to change who you are, but unlikely.

No, what irritates me is everyone talking abut him; and how they talk about him. I’m listening to a radio host right now talk about him and the debate Thursday night. This host is someone I enjoy listening to normally, but over the last few months I’ve had to turn him off many times.  I’ve heard the defense that he has a contract with Fox which would bar him from going after a candidate or possibly supporting a candidate. I say that’s hogwash. But let us come back to that later.

Fox news’ motto is “Fair and balanced”. So let’s examine what exactly that means.

Balance goes back to ancient trading, where one would have a scale or “balance” to weigh different products. Once you knew the weight, you could then determine the worth. There were people who built balances that, while they appeared to measure correctly, would in fact display the incorrect measurements. This was done to cheat; to steal; to hurt others for their own gain. It was important to have a balance that was right and true.

Fair. Fairness is pretty simple. We all know what fair means don’t we? Or do we? Fair: free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice. So to be fair basically means you have to be honest and right. If you happen to be dishonest and wrong, you then cannot be fair.

Now that we have finished our examination we see that to be “Fair and balanced” means your have to be honest and truthful. Honesty and truth. Two words that do not describe Trump. If you know Trump is lying and you don’t point out that he is lying; does that make you a party to the lie? If you devote half of your air time to talking about Trump and don’t ever talk about his lies, are you not condoning his actions?

Speaking of his actions, let us focus on them for a minute.

Liar.  He is a serial liar. Every time I hear him speak I pick out several lies, and I’m sure there are lies he tells that I don’t recognize as such. When Trump talks for five minutes he tells a dozen lies. Cruz proved Trump is a liar last night during the debate. A simple online search will prove he’s a liar. He lies like he breathes, which is to say all the time, so let us move on from how huge a liar he is.

Murderer.  While as far as I know, he hasn’t personally killed anyone, he has given money to those who make a living out of killing people.  He hasn’t apologized for the deaths he has helped to cause or even said he feels regret over it.  Quite the contrary, he defends himself.  Just last week he defended himself for killing people.  Even when murder is legal, it still is murder.  And since a baby cannot possibly have attacked a person, necessitating that person defending themselves, any killing of a baby is murder.  Trump is responsible for murder.

Trump has a history of hiring illegal aliens to work for him.  Does anyone truly believe that he suddenly thinks that illegal aliens are bad?  He’s saying what he thinks you want to hear!  He doesn’t believe what he says.

Trump is not a Christian.  He says he has never asked for forgiveness from God.  That is a prerequisite to being a Christian.  Again, he’s saying what he thinks you want to hear.

Since Trump is lying about being a conservative and a christian just to try to get votes, aren’t you a fool if you are a conservative or a christian and fall for his lies?  So you’re angry and upset at the status quo.  Then you absolutely can not vote for Trump.  The man is part of the status quo.  He isn’t an outsider to Washington.  He is one half of all the problem with Washington.  He gives money to people in Washington and they give him things in return.  How is that an outsider?

So how about we return to what I was saying before about conservative talk show hosts not calling Trump out for who he really is.  I am not happy about making the comparison, though his own fans have also made it, but Trump is a modern day Hitler.  I don’t say that lightly.  Hitler also tapped into the anger of the country.  Hitler also blamed one group of people for the problems of the country.  Hitler also promised to make Germany “great” again.  Trump should be opposed most vehemently.  The conservatives and the Christians should be doing all they can to denounce Trump.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.  Not to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act.”  Dietrich Bonhoeffer

For anyone to try to walk the knife’s edge between truth and lies in the misguided quest to remain “fair and balanced”, they will get cut and fall away from the truth.  You have to choose the truth, because it is rarely easy.  I choose to see Trump for who he really is and stand against him.  What will you choose?

Some idle thoughts

The hypocrisy of the progressives and liberals is nothing new.  I’ve been a witness to it most of my life.  I remember the first time I saw a democrat break a promise from a former campaign, tell obvious lies in his then current campaign, and then see people who should know better vote for the man.  Today however I heard three separate things during the day that struck me as funny.
First, with the recent shooting of the reports, the typical knee-jerk reaction of the left is to call for gun control.  More screenings, less guns, less bullets, more drugs for the mentally ill.  I’ve yet to hear a single logical explanation how any law would have prevented this.  This man apparently had no convictions that would have kept him from getting a gun.  He apparently had not been in a hospital and had any health reason to ban him from getting a gun.  There was no history to keep him from purchasing a firearm.  So ban all guns you say?  The man committed murder and suicide, a law banning guns wouldn’t stop him.  He would buy it from a black market.  It may have made things a little harder for him maybe, but the end result would be the same, save for the fact that any law abiding citizen would be left completely defenseless without access to a gun.
Second, a judge declared today that the 4th amendment to the constitution doesn’t matter.  The government can break the laws of the land if it wants and spy on all we the people if it so wants to, and the government really, really wants to.  The people who brought a lawsuit against the NSA for their bulk collection of data were found to have no legal standing because they couldn’t prove that their personal records were in all the other records that the NSA has.  So basically, the NSA is allowed to spy on the people it’s supposed to protect, keep all their information, and we aren’t allowed to object cause we can’t plop the evidence down on that judges desk.  All of this to supposedly protect us from terrorists and radicals.  They’ve been doing a bang up job of that haven’t they.  If you didn’t get the sarcasm, read the previous paragraph again.
Third, I heard Clinton commenting on something Trump said this past week.  Whether we should do any of this or not is not the issue, just on the statements that were made.  So what were these statements?  Trump said that we should deport all of the people that are in this county illegally.  That’s right, he proposed that we follow our own laws.  While I am no Trump fan, the idea of following the law doesn’t seem too foreign to me.  Excuse the pun.  So what was Clinton’s response you ask?   Thanks for asking.  Clinton said that it would be impossible to round up so many people and deport them.  That we can’t send them home.  People are breaking the laws.  They have to be dishonest, cheat, and steal just to remain in the country, yet our government is incapable of finding them and deporting them.  Let that sink in.
Really let that sink in.  The very same people who say they cannot find, much less deport several million people who have committed crimes and are in the process of committing more crimes by being in the county are the same people who tell you that they can protect you from someone who may sometime in the future commit a crime if you’ll just let them take away all your weapons and let them spy on everything you do.  Maybe hypocrisy isn’t the correct word for this sort of behavior.  What is the correct word for someone who lies, threatens, kills, and steals from you for their own gain and power?  Fuhrer perhaps?